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What is AVID? 

With AVID as their tool, and PCHS parents and families as their partners, district educators move cohorts of high school students successfully through the state's most demanding courses and into college. AVID schools support students through an academic elective class and supports educators through professional development and team planning. 

AVID students at Pine Creek will:

  • Attend an AVID elective class

  • Enroll in one or more honors and/or advanced placement courses

  • Take an active role in AVID activities that support post-secondary planning, such as tutorials, college visits, etc.

Student Selection

Students are invited into the AVID Program based on criteria such as application, interview,grades, attendance, behavior, and advanced course enrollment. AVID focuses on mid-performing students, especially those at-risk of underachievement, who are capable of completing the college preparatory path with additional support.

AVID Objectives 

  • To provide academic instruction and other support to students and to prepare them for eligibility to four-year colleges and universities

  • To give students college level entry skills

  • To increase the "coping skills" of program participants

  • To motivate program students to seek a college education

  • To increase the participants' levels of awareness 

AVID Activities

  • Learning with college tutors 

  • Writing for all classes

  • Applying for college

  • Preparing for a professional career

  • Visiting college campuses

  • Interacting with guest speakers

  • Participating in extracurricular and community activities. 

AVID Academic Benefits 

Students benefit academically from: 

  • Curricular support 

  • Support class focused on rigor 

  • Structured tutorials 

  • Redefined academic peer group 

  • Emphasis on study skills, organization, goal setting, time management—connected to academics 

  • Accountability

Ideal AVID Student

  • Positive attitude with a willingness to develop  “Student Success” skills 

  • Desire and determination to be successful 

  • Good Behavior 

  • Average test scores in at least one or more areas. For example: an Ideal AVID student may be advanced in Math, but partially proficient high in reading

  • Potentially first generation college student

  • Fits into one or more of the achievement gap areas

  • Could handle advanced classes with support

​Potential AVID Student

​These students show some of the characteristics of an ideal AVID student, yet these other qualities could apply:

  • High test scores, but low grades

  • Low test scores with A/B grades

AVID Learning Support

AVID’s proven learning support structure incorporates teaching and learning methodologies in the critical areas of Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading (WICOR)WICOR provides a learning model that educators can use to guide students in comprehending concepts and articulating ideas at increasingly complex levels (scaffolding) within developmental, general education, and discipline-based curricula.


AVID schools support students through an academic elective class and supports educators through professional development and team planning.


AVID schools support students through an academic elective class and supports educators through professional development and team planning.