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If you ask Lindsay what the best class at Pine Creek is, she'll tell you, "AP Calc with Mr. Adams!" Although some might not consider AP Calc to be riveting, Lindsay went on to clarify that her enthusiasm stemmed from the learning community she encountered there: "We had a really good group of students who worked hard, but that could also joke around. Mr. Adams made it really fun and I always looked forward to it. It just felt like a safe space to learn."

Lindsay also found her place in Pine Creek's biomedical sciences program and served as the 2020-2021 HOSA President for the State of Colorado. "We were all driven, interested in similar fields, and able to share our passions!" Lindsay said of the Executive Council. As President, Lindsay enjoyed learning from the perspectives of other student leaders as well as organizing the annual HOSA state conference, an opportunity for participants to compete in events, attend workshops, and network.

Aside from engaging in academics and clubs, Lindsay has also volunteered as a Student Election Judge (poll worker), an opportunity that helped provide insight about elections behind the scenes. "In the last election there were claims of election fraud, but seeing the process first-hand made me realize how hard it would be for that to actually happen; there are a lot of checks in place to make sure it doesn’t. Ballots are handled in pairs, for example, and you have to be paired with someone who is not associated with the same political party as you. Every ballot is run through a signature verification system and if it fails, then the ballot has to be re-sent in."

As Lindsay prepares to leave the Pine Creek nest, she had the following advice for underclassmen: "Give yourself deadlines and make sure you meet those; take a break when you need one; and reward yourself for getting things done!"

Go, Eagles! #PineCreekHS