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About This Pine Creek Tradition

In pausing to express gratitude, Seniors formally acknowledge the significant efforts of those whose focus has been to support them in their journey.

Public Recognition

For the Class of 2024, honoring parents, siblings, counselors, friends, neighbors, and teachers sounded like:

"I wouldn’t be on this journey if it wasn’t for you."

"Thank you for supporting me and my dream..."

"Thank you for always answering the phone for my late night tutoring requests. I wouldn’t have passed Algebra without you!"

"The path of life has always been difficult, but I felt your strength and it pushed me on."

"I've taken French classes for most of my life, but none have been as impactful as Madame Boyzcuk's. All four years of high school, she's challenged me and supported me both in language-learning and as a person. I'm proud to be her student and lucky to have had her as a teacher."

"Mr. Errickson: You’ve provided me more than I can put into words, whether career related or the vast effect on my mental health. Thank you for everything."

"Watching him pursue his dream of becoming a doctor has encouraged me to always work hard. My dad has taught me the importance of treasuring life and has instilled in me his love of sports and country music."

"You have truly become family and my safe place. You wear your heart on your sleeve and never hold back your love."

"Through all the times you helped correct my incomprehensible homework to the times you told me and my lab partner what we messed up on in the lab, You have truly impacted and inspired me beyond 4 credits of chemistry class. Without you, I wouldn’t be considering a chemistry degree at The Colorado School of Mines. Thank you Mr. Castle."

"Dad, after 20 years in the army, all these years of moving state to state, and traveling from school to school, you were always there for me, keeping me in check and setting me on the path for success."

"Ms. Margrave has been an incredible mentor, leader, and one of the best band teachers I have ever had. 60 words or less is just not enough to describe this fantastic person."

"Love you forever!"

Here’s to Senior Season, Class of 2024!