When is a student considered tardy?
A student is considered tardy if he/she is not in the classroom at the scheduled start time.
Communication About Tardies
Teachers are expected to communicate with parents, counselors and administrators when a student's tardiness significantly affects his/her performance in class.
Consequences for Unexcused Tardies
Consequences for unexcused tardiness will include a warning, conversation between the student and the classroom teacher, and parent contact.
If attempts to correct a student's excessive tardiness have been unsuccessful, the Pine Creek Administrative Team may set up a conference involving the student, teachers, parents and administrators to discuss and address the issue.
Excessive tardiness may result in academic consequences due to missed work and/or more serious administrative consequences up to and including suspension.
Tardy Consequence Guidelines
1st and 2nd Tardy - Conversation between teacher and student about expectations.
3rd through 6th Tardy - Conversation between teacher and student and parent contact via Infinite Campus Messenger or phone call.
7th Tardy - The student will be referred to the Dean and be assigned one full lunch detention. Parents will be contacted via Infinite Campus Messenger or phone call.
8th Tardy - The student will be referred to the Dean and be assigned two full lunch detentions. Parents will be contacted via Infinite Campus Messenger or phone call.
9th Tardy - The student will be referred to the Dean and be assigned to attend one full session of Saturday School. Parents will be contacted via Infinite Campus Messenger or phone call.
10th Tardy - The student will be referred to the Dean and be assigned to attend two full sessions of Saturday School. Parents will be contacted via Infinite Campus Messenger or phone call.
If a student is unexcused for any lunch detention and/or Saturday School, the student may be placed on an attendance plan.