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Academy District 20 Electronic Device Policy 

When are devices allowed to be used in class?

District 20 administration recognizes that personal electronic communication devices can play a vital communication role. However, unless expressly permitted by a teacher for instructional purposes, the use of electronic communication devices within the classroom is not permitted. 

What is an, "electronic communication device?"

For purposes of this policy, an “electronic communication device” is any device which records, replays, transmits, receives, or otherwise conveys information electronically between the student and another person or entity.  

Additional Information About Student Use

  • Student use of personal electronic devices may be limited by supervising staff members. 

  • Use of personal electronic devices with cameras is prohibited in locker rooms, bathrooms, or other locations where such operation may violate the privacy rights of another person.  

  • Use of cameras to record others is prohibited unless approved by the teacher. 

  • Use of cameras to record all or part of any school-sponsored event is permissible only with the approval of the applicable supervising staff member.  

What is the student responsible for?

It is the student's responsibility to ensure the personal device is turned off and out of sight during unauthorized times.  

Violation of this policy and/or use of a personal electronic device that violates any other District policy may result in disciplinary action and confiscation of the device.   A conference between the parent/guardian, student, and school personnel may be required in the event a personal electronic device is confiscated.  

The District shall not be responsible for loss, theft, or destruction of personal electronic communication devices brought onto District property. 

Learn more

Academy District Board Policies (JICJ, JS, JSE1, and JSE2)

What does this look like at Pine Creek? 

  • Each teacher may set their own policy around cell phone and laptop usage for their classroom. 

  • Students are expected to adhere to that policy while in the classroom. 

  • Violation of the policy may result in disciplinary action as determined by the classroom teacher and/or the Dean of Students.