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About The Posters

Each classroom features a “What makes a Pine Creek Eagle?” poster that highlights several of the Cornerstones of Creek Character alongside the life-skills each department has identified to be essential. 

The Cornerstones of Creek Character are attributes that serve as the foundation upon which all other academic and extracurricular opportunities at Pine Creek High School are built: compassion, courage, integrity, perseverance, respect, and responsibility. 

Students should expect to develop the Cornerstones of Creek Character and life-skills mentioned on each department poster when taking classes in the subject area depicted.

Scavenger Hunt

Use the posters posted in each of your classes to explore the questions below! 

  1. What skills will students develop when taking a class in the Art Department?

  2. When looking at the Business poster, what color are Cornerstones of Creek Character listed in?

  3. What skills should students strive to gain in Computer Science courses?

  4. What skills does the Pine Creek Counseling Department help students build?

  5. What skills do Pine Creek Deans consider to be essential in order for students to thrive?

  6. What Cornerstones of Creek Character will students refine as part of our Exceptional Student Education programs?

  7. What are the Cornerstones of Creek Character one might develop when taking a class in the Math Department?

  8. Compare PE and Performing Arts. What Cornerstones overlap? What skills differ?

  9. What skills are essential in order for students to get the most out of RTI?

  10. Compare Science and Social Studies. Which skills overlap? Which Cornerstones differ?

  11. What skills are essential for TAG students?

  12. What skills will students develop when taking a class in the World Language Department?

  13. What skills does the Pine Creek Administrative Team expect students to grow in and exercise? When working with the Pine Creek Administrative Team, what Cornerstones of Creek Character will students need to be able to consistently employ?