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"All great programs host their own tournament!" said Coach Gabel who was drew inspiration from Temecula Valley's Battle for the Belt before starting the event at Pine Creek twelve years ago. What originally started out as an event with 13 teams, has significantly grown each season. This year a record 21 teams participated, including the 4A state champions, Cheyenne Mountain High School, and the 2A state champions, Centauri.

Aside from the competitive aspect, this event is as much an multi-generational gathering as anything else. It's hard to walk two steps ringside or in the stands without overhearing an informal introduction in progress that ends with, "… this guy was MY coach when I was in high school!" Suffice to say, the wrestling family is one that attracts a dedicated and passionate group for the long haul. 

"I’m so proud of that group of men and how they fought!" said Coach Gabel after the team earned 1st Place at the tournament for the first time since 2013. "Great wrestling, great competition, lots of great coaches. A special thank you to all the volunteers (parents, friends, peers) who made this weekend so successful. We are Pine Creek because of you!"

Go, Eagles!