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The Benefits of Dance

Senior, Bella Degani has been taking dance classes since she was three, is involved in both the NHSDA chapter at Pine Creek as well as the one at her dance studio, and plans to Cheer at Western State after Graduation. Over the last fifteen years she has found joy in movement through different types of dance such as ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, and a core friend group that she has enjoyed getting to spend time with on a regular basis. Consistently performing in front of a group as a part of dance has meant she never felt scared to give presentations in class, speak up in a group, or lead. "Dance has definitely given me confidence!" Bella said.

Being an Involved Member

An extension of the community she found in dance, both chapters of NHSDA that Bella has been a part of have aimed to assist dancers locally as well as the those worldwide. Bella recalled planning spirit weeks, such as "Love Your Body," to promote positivity and inclusion of all body types in dance, participating in a project to repurpose and redistribute gently used dance attire to communities that need them, and creating pieces of artwork out of old pointe shoes as part of a Painted Pointe Shoe Project.

The Future of National Honor Society for Dance Arts

When thinking about what to tell future members of NDHS, Bella said, "Stay involved! If you want to do it, actually do it." Translation: Don't just sign up, consistently show up in a meaningful way. In doing so, you will find yourself and your community.