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While the ideal range for the PT test is in the 55-60th percentile, Emma surpassed that, scoring in the 83 percentile. According to JROTC Instructor, Colonel Robert Huber, Emma earned the highest score on the aptitude test he's seen a student attain in the past four years. In addition to her involvement in JROTC, Emma has welcomed underclassmen to Pine Creek as a Creek Connector, mentored younger athletes as a volunteer hockey coach, served as a Team Lead in CyberPatriot, and been involved with the National Tech Honor Society.

This summer Emma will spend eight weeks at a college in the United States (exact location TBD) earning her pilot's wings. Aside from having the opportunity to be licensed to fly, Emma is looking forward to having the opportunity to meet people from around the United States and spend time on a college campus. "I'm so excited!" she said. "I want to have the experience of flying itself, but then I also want to come back and tell others about it to help grow the program."

Emma Errickson -- always looking to learn and give back.

*Photo from D20's participation in the JROTC National Championships in April 2022