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Emma Wilhelm Takes First

Congratulations to Emma Wilhelm for coming from behind to win the girls varsity race, earning her career first individual champion title of a large invitational! She completed the course in a speedy 18:39.

Girls Varsity

The girls team placed 7th out of 25 teams overall.

Boys Varsity

In the boys varsity race, Jacob Silvis led the team, running 17:13 for 29th place overall. Jack Kwasny was the lone runner to lower his PR, running 18:29. The team placed 9th of 30 teams overall.

Girls JV

In the girls JV race, Jill Hamilton ran a personal best 22:23 to place 2nd overall in the race. She was the sole Eagle in the race to lower her PR. The girls JV placed 3rd of 12 teams overall.

Boys JV

The boys JV race also saw one team member lower his PR, as Wyatt Pittman lowered his fastest time to 20:43.

Pine Creek runners dominated the girls open race, with Eagles representing a majority of the top 10 finishers. Felicity Fuller was first overall in 25:03, shoulder to shoulder with Jasmine Woods in 25:04. In addition, Mayu Lida lowered her PR to 26:46.

Collin Thomson led the team in the boys open with a PR 22:07, followed closely by Dane Olsen in 22:12. Also in the race, Ethan Schoeneck lowered his PR to 27:34.

Go, Eagles!