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Class of 2024 Senior Awards

Coca Cola Scholar: Amari Luu

Only 150 students nationwide were chosen to receive this award. Out of the 91,000 applicants, it is no surprise to us that Amari Luu's stuck out above the rest!

As part of this award Amari got to honor a teacher and also chose to honor Social Studies teacher, Mr. Russ Davie.

"Mr. Davie always looked for new and creative ideas to teach class. From having us pretend to be Soviet leaders during the Cold War to debating which world leader was the best, Mr. Davie never hesitated to look for a new method to ensure that students in his class were getting the material down," Amari said.

"Even after I left his AP European history class, I would continue to visit, as he was always a familiar face and had a friendly smile that I could return to whenever I needed advice or someone to talk to. And I don't think I'm alone when I express these sentiments. I strongly believe that everyone who has had Mr. Davie as their teacher knows what I'm talking about and will understand when I say from the bottom of my heart: thank you. Thank you, Mr. Davie, for everything you have done for me."

Athletic Awards

Each year, head coaches from each sport meet to determine the athletic awards for the Senior class.

  • Scholar Athletes of the Year: Laura Bunnell and Carson Caplan

  • Athletes of the Year: Sophia Turner and Cannon Budge

Seal of Biliteracy Recipients

This year we had over 90 students named as Candidates for the Seal of Biliteracy who were honored at the Seal of Biliteracy Cording Ceremony on May 1st.

Recognition of Honor Graduates

  • Honor Grads: Those who earned a cumulative GPA of 3.75 to 3.99 (blue/white/green cord)

  • Student graduating Cum Laude: Those who earned a GPA between 4.0 and 4.16 (white medal)

  • Students graduating Magna Cum Laude: Those who earned a GPA between 4.17 and 4.3618 (green medal)

  • Students graduating Summa Cum Laude: Those who earned a GPA between 4.3619 or higher (blue medal)

  • Students who earned straight A's Senior year (red cord)

  • Students who earned straight A's all 8 semesters of high school (purple cord)

Top 10 Graduates of the Class of 2024

  • Damian Balon | Valedictorian | Damian plans on attending the University of California and pursuing a degree in medicine

  • Ashley Choi | Salutatorian | Ashley plans on attending the University of Columbia and double majoring in Biology and Psychology

  • Amari Luu

  • Nicholas Curtis

  • Laura Bunnell

  • Addison Ordner

  • Erica Tong

  • Sadie Peroulas

  • Priyaj Shrestha

  • Michelle Lau

About The Flight of the Eagle Award

Pine Creek's Flight of the Eagle Award recognizes Seniors who have demonstrated high achievement and commitment in a broad range of endeavors. Students who receive this award must demonstrate compassion, courage, integrity, perseverance, respect, and responsibility which are the Cornerstones of Pine Creek Character.

To be considered for this award, students must have a minimum GPA of 3.75 and be nominated by five or more departments. Activities and Athletics are included as separate, individual departments. For students to earn an activity nomination, they must be eligible to earn a letter in two more more activities. For students to earn an athletic nomination, they must be eligible to earn an athletic letter.

The number of students recognized may vary from year to year, but should not be less than 5% or greater than 10% of the Senior class.

Earning the Flight of the Eagle Award is one of the most prestigious awards given at Pine Creek High School. Students who receive this award get a Flight of the Eagle medal to wear at Graduation and are part of a celebratory photo taken at Graduation

2024 Flight of the Eagle Recipients

  • Abigail DeCecco

  • Addison Ordner

  • Andrew Nguyen

  • Angelique Vuldy

  • Alyssa Hanson

  • Anna DeThomas

  • Amari Luu

  • Carson Caplan

  • Diego Sauceda

  • Elliott Bossetti

  • Emily Cook

  • Emily Baldriage

  • Emma Errickson

  • Erica Tong

  • Ethan Johnson

  • Glory Maramba

  • Grace Hu

  • Heng Shen

  • Karolyn Heredia-Martell

  • James Schreiber

  • Jasmine Woods

  • Leonardo Parra

  • Mark Eddings

  • Kira Smith

  • Megan Smith

  • Laura Bunnell

  • Nancy Ahmed

  • Nitya Pudtha

  • Priyaj Shrestha

  • Michelle Lau

  • Sadie Peroulas

  • Samah Halim

  • Samantha Chambers

  • Shunya Kawazoe

  • Sophia Li

  • Sophia DeJoia

  • Tanja Oostenrijk

  • Tatjana Montalvo

  • Victor Li

  • Zachariah Davis