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Pine Creek Jazz Bands offer students the opportunity to become personally familiar with the music that has shaped the history of the United States. From pop music to blues to swing, we explore it all! Our ensembles are comprised of standard big band instrumentation including saxophones, trumpets, trombones, piano, guitar, bass, and drums.

This band affords students the opportunity to engage in the art of spontaneous composition, also known as improvisation. Many students have said that the opportunity to improvise on a regular basis has provided them with an outlet to communicate on a deeper level.

Submit Your Audition with Flipgrid

Download your instrument from the files list below.

Auditions Due dates: 1st round - February 15th 2nd Round - March 1

  • Download the audition material specific to your instrument.

  • When you are ready, return to this website and submit your recording below.

  • Begin your video recording by saying your full name, instrument, and grade.

  • Play your instrument specific etude and submit!

That's it! New students, don't worry if you cannot play the whole page. We have multiple ensembles and there is a place for you.

Please play at a tempo you our comfortable, and it is okay to only play a portion of the audition.

Recording hints -Stand a few feet away from your computer/device. Don't for get to start with your name, and don't worry about little mistakes. This is not a public recording.

Band & Orchestra

Following your passion one note at a time.

Band & Orchestra

Following your passion one note at a time.

Audition Sheets