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Submit your capping dedication on or before March 7th, 2025.

Guidelines for Writing Your Statement

  • Write a brief (fewer than 60 words) dedication statement for your honoree

  • Your statement (60 words or less) should include why you have chosen this person to cap you. Remember to be specific and feel free to be creative.


Example 1

Born in the middle of the Depression, growing up during a World war, and serving in the U.S. Air Force, there is no other respectable and kind hearted man that I know. He is the single person I would like to emulate through my life. Grandfather, I love you forever.

Example 2

Mrs. _______as a teacher has taught me something I love to do and the ability to create something to be proud of. In_______ class she has let her students show their creativity. As a person she has been kind, understanding and easy to talk to whenever I needed advice.

When will my dedication be read?

On the day of the Capping Ceremony you and your honored guest will come to the stage and the honored guest will place the graduation cap on your head while a Pine Creek staff member reads your dedication aloud.

Capping Ceremony Details

  • March 18, 2025 at 6:30pm (doors open at 6:00pm) at Pine Creek High School.

  • Tickets will go on sale mid-February.